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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Church Boundaries?!?

Bookly and I were raised "Roman Catholic", and we want to get married in a Catholic church. But we’re not strong followers of the Catholic faith. In fact I originally wanted a wedding outdoors and it didn't matter if we were married by a priest. But the church portion of our wedding was an necessity for Bookly, partly because he wanted a "preemptive maneuver to placate any strong Catholic followers in his Irish-Catholic family" (yes, he talks like this), and mostly because he wants (and he convinced me too, obviously) our marriage to be "officially sanctified" in the traditional sense.

Anyways, as if planning a wedding isn't fun enough, the first church related hurdle we came to was that we don't live within the "boundary" of the church we want to get married in. Evidently, a church has a problem when people from their boundary get married in some other church’s boundary. So we had to have an interview with the priest so he can fill out an application form so we can get the "OK" for us to use his particular church, all because of these boundaries.

Things have been officially OK'd and we've cleared this hurdle. But we're already coming up to our second church related hurdle - Marriage Preparation classes start soon. I wonder what surprises are in store for us.

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