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Thursday, February 1, 2007


GeoCaching (aka GPS Stash Hunt; Global Positioning Stash hunt) is an adventure sport particularly for GPS users, but a map and compass work just as well, provided you know how to use them.

Conducting a cache hunt is a good way to get outdoors and do something adventuresome, fun, and active with your family and friends.

There are caches all over the world! And they range in difficulty from easy (stuff in a Tupper wear container under a bench that you can find while out for a leisurely walk) to extreme (stuff in a bag tied down to a rock in a lake on a mountain in Peru - seriously).

The way it works is someone (individuals or organizations) sets up a cache and shares the location over the Internet. GPS/Compass users can then search the database, for example by postal code, and use the provided cache coordinates to start their hunt. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something else for the cache. Also, it's pretty cool to sign the log book to say you were there and compliment whoever hid the cache.

For the most in-depth information and cache database, check out the first link below. Once you get accustomed to the sport, check out the Alberta specific links under that.

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