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Friday, March 2, 2007

Been A.W.O.L. Again - But Here's Why!

Once again, we apologize for not updating the blog as frequently as we'd like. We have been very busy with multiple things on the go (learning to juggle bigger and more dangerous things). For example, there's the typical consulting and board meetings I go to after work, and the typical meetings Smartbottom goes to after work. But the last few weeks have seen MANY more obligations.

  1. Bigger and more dangerous juggling item number 1 is I (Bookly) had a job interview to take on the promotions development lead for another government department. So I've spent the last week reviewing textbooks and researching that department to prepare for the interview, which was yesterday. In my opinion it went very well. There was even a surprise question where I was asked to give an impromptu promotional presentation on a topic of their choosing, and I didn't miss a beat. But after getting some answers to questions I had, I'm not too sure I'd take the job even if it were offered to me. But we'll see.

  2. Bigger (but not so dangerous) juggling item number 2 is I wrapped up a four month long consulting contract this week. WOO-HOO!

  3. Finally, the biggest and most dangerous juggling item was an obligation that has taken up a lot of our energies. But it was worth it. Smartbottom and I are buying a house! It's been two weeks of meetings, contract reviews & signings, late evening drive-by's, and many other things that take up time, decrease energy and add a lot of uncertainty and stress.
But I finally got word this afternoon that everything has been approved! We officially have a house!

So, for those interested in this new development, here are some details:
  • The house is brand new. In fact, it's still being built. We are supposed to take possession on March 30th, but with the trades the way they are these days, it could be delayed.

  • It's a bi-level, detached house. We took the garage package as well, so it will have a two car garage in the back, separate from the house. That means we also have an alley! Why am I so excited about an alley? Less bumper to bumper parking on the street that would otherwise force you to play chicken with an oncoming car due to lack of road space.

  • It is located in a brand new community in the north end of the city, right between my family and Smartbottom's family. We actually timed how long it would take to get to both families from the house - 10 minutes and 3 minutes respectively, assuming good flowing traffic (which we had when we took the time measurements).

  • Being that the community is brand new, it's a relief that it's already beautiful! The public portions of the street are lined with young trees, and every front yard is required to have at least one additional tree. Therefore our street will have a lot of trees, which is always beautiful to see. So we are looking forward to walking down the street in the Fall.
Anyways, as soon as we have things settled we will be inviting our families and friends over for an informal house warming party of sorts. I am particularly eager about finally getting to host a nice dinner party, and Smartbottom is crazy excited to get a highly charged game of Monopoly going with our friends.

So we are looking forward to hearing from you soon so we can plan some things!

Thanks for understanding our absences.